
Medicinal Benefits

  • High in essential vitamins
  • Raises energy
  • Improves focus, mental alertness
  • Increases physical endurance
  • Healthy heart, cardiovascular system
  • Healthy gut
  • Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Controls diabetes; lowers blood sugar
  • Relieves headaches
  • Lowers risk of stroke
  • Reduces stress hormone levels

Caffeine Level: High

Color, Aroma & Flavor Profile

The infusion is a bold coppery-red color with chocolate-like aroma. The flavor is fine, flowery, and sweet with a complex and satisfying finish.

Health & Safety Information

  • 100% Organic & Vegan
  • Includes FDA compliant & reusable safe-tea tin with see-through lid
  • Tamper-proof safety seal

Brewing Options 

Serving Size: 1 Teaspoon

Digital Kettle: Heat water to 212°F • Steep 2-3 minutes • Strain & enjoy

Boil & Wait: Boil water on stove-top or microwave • Steep 2-3 minutes • Strain & enjoy

Microwave: Check out our microwave-safe TeaTube Infuser

Tips & Tricks

  • Re-steeps multiple times! Our high potency leaf specimens brew multiple times for a robust spectrum of flavor profiles.
  • Pour over ice for a delicious and nutritious ice tea treat
  • Enhance natural sweetness with raw honey or one of our dried fruit options
  • Make it stronger! If you want to experience extra intensity, just add more tea leaves! The potency increases with volume.

Legendary and ruthless sea-raider Black Bart may win the award for the most prolific pirate, with more than 400 ships reportedly falling to his sword in the early 18th century. But Bart was much more civilized than history would have you believe. The Welsh-born Bartholomew always wore a damask waistcoat, stylish trousers, and a dashing feather in his cap. The refined Bart also drank only tea and water, commanded lights-out by 8 p.m., and had musicians play hymns for him on Sundays.

Like Black Bart, we understand the significance of a good cup of tea (and a good hymn on Sunday), so here we present Black Pearl. This tea consists of black leaves that are hand-twisted and dried into a little ball, or “pearl” as we like to call them. When steeped in hot water, the pearls slowly unfurl into a chocolatey, energizing, satisfying brew. This booty contains all the essential vitamins a pirate needs to set sail without the worry of developing scurvy. Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! We have our heading.


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